My Rebirth


商学院 赖雅林


Dense mud buried my body, endless black filled my eyes. Thousands of years passed in fleeting moment, I virtually lost the concept of time, and believed becoming dust here was my final fate.

When I woke up again, dazzling sunlight came into my view. After endeavoring to opening my eyes, what I witnessed was utterly distinct from my imaginations.

Oh, sorry, it’s my fault. I forget to briefly introduce myself to my dear readers. I am a statue of a dragon, with large eyes, pointed teeth, and a protruding nose. Even if I was not irritated, you can feel a sense of majesty by staring at me. Although I seemed plain now, it was only the trace left by the years. When I was young, my pursuit of fashion had exceeded that of today's adolescents. I was a sartorial enthusiast, and under my requirements, the craftsman drew exquisite ornaments for me. From then on, I stood proudly on the land called Maya, until the winds and sands hold a funeral for me.

Returning to the reality, I stared at the man in front of me. Black hairs, black eyes, and yellow skins, I felt unfamiliar with him. Just to answer your potential questions, our cultural relics own a special capability that we can communicate with people without relying on languages. I asked him, “Who are you?” Excitement sparking on his eyes, he told me:” I am Liu and I come from China. I am a member of Joint Archaeological Team of China and Honduras.” China? I knew this place, a remote civilization with splendid culture, but why was a Chinese that excavated me out, did he want to take me away? I could even forecast the impending doom and begged to him: “Please let me stay here, I belongs to Maya”! Absolutely, I couldn’t make a noise, but if the human was able to listen to me, he would notice the tremble in my voice. Smile appeared in his face, he comforted me that they just came here to help local archaeologists who just stood near him, and establish collaboration in Mesoamerican cultural studies, and I would eternally belong to Honduras. He solemnly complemented:” With the development of human society, the tragic past of snatching cultural relics that occurred in my mother land will never happen again to you.” With his deep but powerful voice, all my fear disappeared into air.

Then he put me into a warehouse, where I reunited with my companions, which shared similar experiences with me. They were dug out by experts from Honduras, from United States, from Canada, from British, from Italy, from the entire planet. In boring daytime, I was fascinated by those communications between archologists from all over the world, from which I realized they exchanged archaeological techniques prevailed in different countries, such as tunnel excavation and drone aerial photography, and applied these tactics into practices. It was precisely due to the collaborative efforts of experts from various countries that archaeology here could obtain so many achievements. Lying in the warehouse, my gaze met with different eyes, black eyes, green eyes, and amber eyes, which were overwhelmed by different emotions, like respect, admiration, surprise, but not greed. Among those experts, the visit by Liu entertained me the most, since he imparted to me in his hometown, “dragon” or “loong” was also the belief of ancestors, and it was possible that pertinent link existed between Mayan and ancient Chinese civilizations.

After few days, I was packaged meticulously with some of my friends and hit the trail of a six-month tour exhibition at the National Palace Museum in China. The roar and turbulence of the plane discomforted me, but I harbored no trepidation-it was travelling, not wandering.

As soon as I was arranged in the museum, I began to scan the surroundings and observe the visitors. The treasures stood adjacently to me were travelers from Afghanistan, whose stories were more emotionally resonant, impressing me deeply when they narrated to me after we had cultivated a friendship. Born in Bronze Age, Hellenistic Period or Kushan Dynasty, they went through radiant epoch with their motherland, yet experienced endless war in recent years. Director of the National Museum of Afghanistan had locked them into the underground vault of national bank and had allocated the keys to his colleague, and although some of whom were under threats and even penalties, no one surrendered the keys.

To be better protected, researched, repaired and exhibited, fifteen years ago, these artifacts embarked on a transoceanic journey, starting touring around the world. In their narratives, they used to view the scenery of seine river, yet also experienced the myriad lives of Moscow, now they immersed in the magnificence and grandeur of the Forbidden City. Everywhere they wet through, they gained the greatest respect and best treatment, being seen as priceless treasure by every country, even though those countries were equipped with different values and culture. Through touring exhibition, they were spared from the ravages of war thanks to the assistance from museums worldwide.

I used to ask them:” Do you feel homesick?” They replied to me, “Yes and no, because everyone during the journey promised they just safekept us temporarily from wars and we would go back home one day. In this era, we don’t need to endure the struggles of ‘where is my home’.” This unforgettable answer stirred something deep in my heart again.

I am already very old, and the wind and sand have sucked away my tears. Yet today, as I witness different millennia of civilizations gazing each other, as I behold the curious eyes of children around me, as I sense the shared reverence of heritage guardians globally, as I feel the mutual respect between diverse cultures, tears stream down my face.

Those tears, I believe they used to roll down from some treasures’ faces that were compulsorily apart from their homeland. But today, they are not for the poignant farewell, but for the beauty of humanity.













