99. Touring Colleges, Without Ever Leaving Home
Students who want an easy way to get information about a large number of colleges in the United States can visit a website like CampusTours.com. It brings together virtual campus tours and interactive maps of more than twelve hundred colleges and universities. More than one hundred twenty thousand foreign students use the site each year.
The virtual tours allow students to get a sense of how a college looks. There are also links to official websites and online applications. And there are details like price, number of students, admission requirements and sports programs.
But the president of the company, Chris Carson, says students should never depend on a third-party website like CampusTours to choose a college. He advises parents and students to contact a school directly. If they plan to visit, they should call the school and talk about the visit and where to stay locally. In fact, he says contacting a school might even lead to a free visit.
CHRIS CARSON: "In some cases, something that many foreign students don`t know is that if the student is a good enough student or is a special case, they will sometimes pay for travel to get the student to come to campus. That`s a little known fact."